Event Registration - Indiana Psychological Association
Homestudy Program: How to Write Effective and Functional Clinical Recommendations for the School Setting (Gaither, Bruggenschmidt, Schroeder, orig. 5.17.2023)
6/25/2024 - 12/31/2050

Location: Virtual Event

Event Description

We are pleased that you are interested in IPA's Homestudy Continuing Education Programs!

This process is straightforward:  Watch the recording. Complete the evaluation and pass the short test. Receive CE certificate via email.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email, including a critical link and confirmation code. At the very bottom of the email message, you will find an Attendee Confirmation Code for (name) and a link to Log in to event portal at (link). Once logged in, you will see instructions and links to the recording as well as the evaluation and test.


Originally offered as:
IPA 2023 Webinar Series
1.0 Hour of Category I CE credit

Friday, May 17th, 2023 at Noon

Looking Beyond Preferential Seating: How to Write Effective and Functional Clinical Recommendations for the School Setting
In today's world, collaboration among systems of care continues to be an increasing model to address ongoing mental health concerns for youth and their families. As integrated care models become more prevalent, mental health providers are increasingly asked (often by families) to provide specific recommendations to address concerns across a variety of settings, including the school. At the same time, schools continue to see an increase in children with trauma histories, comorbid diagnoses, and ongoing, unaddressed mental health needs. However, for many clinicians, collaboration between a clinical and school setting can be confusing. Practitioners provide essential diagnoses and treatment to clients, but school staff are struggling to translate these best practices into reasonable accommodations, modifications, and goals for students in the school setting. The purpose of this presentation is to provide clinical practitioners with concrete action items that help bridge this gap. We will discuss the conundrum using examples from the school setting in which staff were tasked with addressing behavioral and social-emotional skill deficits in children who were also receiving out-patient mental-health services. We will then provide a collaborative model for providers to utilize when working with youth whose needs require school support. Finally, we will end the session with a discussion of the key components for providers to consider when making clinical recommendations for the school setting.
Learning Objectives
By completing this program, participants will able to:
1.    Summarize the barriers schools face in implementing clinical recommendations. 
2.    Identify and list key components of recommendations for intervention, accommodations, and modifications that translate into the school setting.
3.    Implement a collaborative model in writing clinical recommendations for a school setting.

Presenter Bio:  Jamie B. Gaither, PhD
Jamie Gaither is a post-doctoral fellow in clinical psychology at Easterseals Rehabilitation Center in Evansville, Indiana under the supervision of Dr. James Schroeder, HSPP. She has a PhD in School Psychology from Ball State University. She has previously worked in several schools in the Muncie area before moving to Evansville for her pre-doctoral internship. Her clinical interests include trauma-focused CBT, autism spectrum disorders, and youth with anxiety. She is also interested in systems-level collaboration, including between the clinical, medical, and school settings. 

Jamie Gaither

Presenter Bio:  Ashlee Bruggenschmidt, MS
Ashlee Bruggenschmidt currently is the principal at Sharon Elementary School in Newburgh, IN. She was the 2020 State of Indiana Principal of the Year and a National Distinguished Principal. Ashlee has taught third and fifth grade, been an assistant principal and the 2009-2010 school year was her first year as principal of Sharon Elementary School. Her degrees include an Associate's Degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Evansville, a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Southern Indiana, and a Master's Degree in School Administration from Indiana State University. 

Ashlee Bruggenschmidt

Presenter Bio:  Jim Schroeder, PhD, HSPP
Jim Schroeder, PhD is a pediatric psychologist and Vice President of the Department of Psychology and Wellness at Easterseals Rehabilitation Center in Evansville, Indiana. He is also the training director of the pre-doctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship in the department. He resides in Evansville with his wife, Amy, and their eight children. He received a BS from Ball State University with a major in psychology and minors in social work and counseling psychology. He graduated with a PhD in clinical psychology from Saint Louis University in 2005. In addition to seeing youth with a wide range of backgrounds and psychological issues, he specializes in evaluating and working with children (and their families) diagnosed with autism spectrum, learning, sleep, attention-deficit, and other developmental issues. He also writes a monthly column for parents and professionals entitled Just Thinking, which can be found along with many other articles and books on his personal website: www.james-schroeder.com. Dr. Schroeder is regular radio guest for multiple morning shows and is a regular contributor to both secular and religious online publications. In addition to his life as a father and psychologist, Dr. Schroeder is actively involved in endurance events. He has completed an Ironman and multiple ultramarathons and often commutes to work by bike, and is always dreaming about the next backpacking trip.

Jim Schroeder

Special Note to Conference Attendees
The Indiana Psychological Association (IPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Indiana Psychological Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Indiana State Psychology Board and Indiana Behavioral Health Board:
  • IPA is an approved provider of Category I continuing education for psychologists.
  • IPA is an approved provider of Category I continuing education for LSW, LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, LMFTA, LCAC and LAC.
Licensees must judge the program’s relevance to their professional practice. Non-Indiana licensees are also advised to check with their state's licensing board to assure their state accepts continuing education programs approved by entities approved by the APA.
We ask that all participants watch the entire recorded presentation, and complete the post-program evaluation form and homestudy test at the conclusion of the program. Drs. Gaither & Schroeder, Ashlee Bruggenschmidt, and IPA have not received any commercial support for this program or its contents and will not receive any commercial support prior to or during this program.
CE certificates will be distributed via email within two weeks after a passing test (75+%) is submitted. 
Registration Fees
IPA Platinum - $15
IPA New, Premier, & Emeritus-Practicing - $20
IPA Basic, Academic, Emeritus-Retired, & Affiliate Members - $25
Non-Members - Psychologists & Other Professionals $40